Sara Gaardbo ved afgangsforestillingen “In Between Rain” i 2013.
Sara Gaardbo founded DANSEUDDANNELSEN.DK in 2006 and has been the director of the education ever since. Sara Gaardbo has dedicated her life to the dance world and the performing arts both as a dancer, choreographer, designer, teacher, and director.
In her early life Sara was a part of the theatre group called Dr. Dante, which was founded by theatre director Nikolaj Cederholm.
Sara is educated from Danshögskolan in Stockholm in 1996 and started immediately after her graduation as a professional dancer, teacher, and eventually as a choreographer. Among other things she worked as a choreographer on the theatre production “Simon” at Østre Gasværk, Copenhagen, by Nikolaj Cederholm.
Sara has different jobs as a choreographer, teacher and consultant concurrently with the daily operation of DANSEUDDANNELSEN.DK. Sara has taught aspirants at The Royal Theatre and professional dancers at Dansehallerne. During Copenhagen fashion week Sara has choreographed and staged the show of the Faroese designer Barbara I Gongini.
Sara loves the synergy in the interaction between styles and different art forms. She is driven by her longing for dancers daring to reach beyond the edge.
“I want to educate dancers who can add a different and new expression within the performing arts”
Sara Gaardbo stiftede DANSEUDDANNELSEN.DK i 2006 og har været leder af uddannelsen lige siden. Sara Gaardbo har dedikeret hendes liv til danseverdenen og scenekunsten, både som danser, koreograf, designer, underviser og leder.
Som helt ung var Sara en del af teatergruppen Dr. Dante, som blev stiftet af teaterinstruktør Nikolaj Cederholm.
Sara er uddannet fra Danshögskolan i Stockholm i 1996, og fungerede efterfølgende som professionel danser, underviser og siden koreograf på bl.a instruktør Nikolaj Cederholms forestilling ”Simon” på Østre Gasværk Teater.
Sideløbende med den daglige drift af, har Sara forskellige jobs som koreograf, underviser og konsulent. Sara har undervist aspiranter på Det Kgl. Teater og professionelle dansere i Dansens Hus. Hun har under modeugen desuden lavet show for den færøske designer Barbara I Gongini og meget mere.
Sara elsker synergien i samspillet mellem stilarter og forskellige kunstformer. Hun drives af en længsel efter at dansere i dansemiljøet tør række udover kanten.
“Jeg vil uddanne dansere som kan tilføre et anderledes og nyt udtryk indenfor scenekunsten”